DVR takes longer to reboot during game

Something else happened last night during a game that had be swearing at Brighthouse. I am not sure if I can blame them or not, but it certainly was pretty poor timing for it to happen. My DVR, which is my cable box that provides me with the digital cable television signal in the house decided to reboot in the middle of the game.

If I thought that this was a Brigthouse pushed update that forced the reboot I would be on the phone right now jumping up and down bitching at them, but I actually suspect that my dvr may or may not be starting to experience some intermittent issues since I had to pull the power and plug it back in to manually reboot it, so I will need to keep an eye on it in case I have to swap it out.

I would consider doing it today but since it is football season the recorded shows on the dvr are starting to pile up since I have been spending more time watching the games and before and after game shows.

Did you know that when the cable box does decide to reboot that it takes LONGER to reboot if it is during a football game?

I had mentioned this to my friend Chips over at Poker Player US and his rather humorous but sadly true response was, “That is another ‘strange but true’ phenomenon. And when it does finally come back on, it is a commercial break.”

You’re right Chips, and when you return to the game you hear things like, “That truly is likely going to be the play that changed the outcome of the game, but since we have showed it 4 times already we will not show it again”…..

Well luckily this time, although I had missed a few plays none of the ones I missed were game changers but I was still aggravated by it.

Note to self, on the non-football days watch some of the shows on the dvr so you can swap it out. Hmmmm are their days we don’t think about football?

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